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Psychologists would recognize the reverse psychology he was using. What he suggested is that this student continue to smoke, but to do so meditatively. This means he had to slow every element of the act of smoking down to a point where he could 'lovingly' attend to every detail of the act. He wanted the man to SEE. He didn't say "I want you to lovingly attend to the act of smoking because it is bad for you and you need to quit. Right now".
What he did was remove all pressure to quit. In its place he wanted simple attention. The act of smoking needed to be slowed down to the pace of prayer and then simply observed. His parting words to the student were that he would either love the practice or he may decide to drop smoking altogether.
The eastern spiritual tradition places less emphasis on "shoulds" maintaining that if true seeing happens so will right action. Well there's no prize for guessing what the student ended up doing: he gave up. And it was easy because when he paid attention, when he really looked he could suddenly see, and when he saw it was obvious. There was nothing to love in the practice.
I used this method on my lovely young daughter who I desperately wanted to stop smoking. I knew it was bad for her, she felt she knew it was bad for her but she couldn't give up. I followed pretty much the same steps telling her-without pressure - just to pay attention, to really look at the act of smoking and if she still wanted to smoke, well, that would have to be okay with me. It was her decision after all.
I didn't push it and it took a couple of weeks. She was a teenager and she wasn't going to rush off and do as mom says immediately. At a certain point she didn't so much quit. The effect of paying attention paid off, she simply lost interest. This was a highly beneficial experience for her because, unlike traditional attempts to quit smoking, she did not feel herself pitted against an enemy.
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