Thw best way to stop smoking pills now. Why is it hard to stop smoking?
Nicotine has many effects in the body. A key effect for addiction is that nicotine causes release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a pleasure substance, making the person feel good, reducing anxiety, tension and appetite9. Nicotine is stimulating – the user feels more alert after a dose10. But it is also relaxing10. Regular use affects this reward system so that when there is no nicotine dopamine levels fall and withdrawal starts7.
Within 7 seconds of a puff on a cigarette, nicotine has an action in the brain10. Every single puff has a very quick reward in the brain – part of why it is so addictive. Nicotine patches, sprays and gums (e.g. Nicorette, Nicotrol) provide lower levels of nicotine in the blood so have less reward than cigarettes10. Chantix, a new medicine for stopping smoking, is thought to work by causing a small release of dopamine in the brain so withdrawal symptoms are reduced5,11. Chantix also makes smoking less satisfying, this is thought to be because it blocks the nicotine from causing dopamine to be released.
TopWithdrawal when quitting smoking
Withdrawal starts a few hours after the last cigarette. Symptoms can include: 7,10,12
feeling anxious
being grumpy
being impatient
attention deficit
feeling restless
feeling low or depressed.
trouble sleeping
trouble concentrating (work-place accidents on National Non-Smoking day are higher than any other day13)
wanting/craving a cigarette
Withdrawal symptoms peak in 2-3 days7. Most symptoms improve within 10 days of quitting5. Cravings can last for years7, and this is the biggest problem. Some people who have quit successfully, give in just once to the craving, sometimes years after their last cigarette, and they are back to smoking again. A chronic smoker can’t usually be an occasional smoker.
TopHandy tips to help you quit smoking
On average smokers try to quit eight times before they succeed7. Try your best, feel good about your success – every day without a cigarette. If you can be smoke free for a week, you are 10 times more likely to quit completely than if you can’t7. However, if the first time or the second time doesn’t work, you aren’t alone – many people take a number of attempts but eventually get there.
Counselling helps with quitting smoking2. Find out what counselling is available in your area. Talk to the Quitline 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669).
Wait until you are feeling confident. Tell everybody you are stopping. Work out all the benefits of stopping smoking. Reward yourself for success.
Work out the times you normally smoke and how you will avoid picking up a cigarette. Don’t go out drinking with mates who smoke until you’re really confident you’ve got it beaten. Work out what you are going to do when you are feeling stressed.
Try to avoid being near cigarettes. Don’t keep any for just in case. If your partner smokes, try to quit together. Ask others not to smoke around you or leave their cigarettes lying around. Leave the room when others are smoking.
TopAvoiding weight gain when you quit smoking
Weight gain is common when stopping smoking. The health benefits of quitting smoking are better than the health risks of extra weight14. But some people don’t try to quit smoking because they’re worried about weight gain15. In those who have quit, weight gain sometimes causes them to return to smoking15. However, there are several ways to help minimise weight gain.
Have healthy snacks easily available, e.g. carrot or celery sticks in the fridge and plenty of fruit
Keep fat and sugar intake low
Buy a new healthy cookbook to get inspired on cooking healthy meals
Think of other things to do when you crave a cigarette that don’t involve eating, e.g. have a drink of water, telephone a friend, read a magazine
Drinking alcohol is often associated with smoking. Avoid or minimise alcohol to help avoid cravings for cigarettes and reduce weight gain
Consider starting an exercise programme at the same time as stopping smoking. Check with your doctor first. Find an exercise you like to do and a buddy to do it with and it will be much easier. Think about a goal to get fit for, e.g. a 10km walk
Reward yourself for keeping off the cigarettes with non-food rewards – e.g. a facial or a new book after the first week
Use the stairs instead of a lift*
Get off the bus or train a stop early and walk the rest of the way*
Do usual activities with more energy – e.g. cleaning the house, walking up the stairs*
*Check with your doctor before changing your exercise
Exercise helps to reduce cravings for cigarettes16. Craving reduces both during the exercise and for up to 50 minutes afterwards. Exercise also improves poor concentration – a problem when quitting smoking16.
Zyban may reduce weight gain from stopping smoking, while it is being taken, although weight gain can occur when Zyban is stopped11.
TopHealth benefits of smoking cessation
About half of smokers die early of smoking-related illnesses7. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of these diseases. Stopping smoking helps people live longer. A big study of British Doctors (from 1951 to 2001)17 – found stopping smoking at the following ages gained 3-10 more years of life:
60 years old gained 3 more years
50 years old gained 6 more years
40 years old gained 9 more years
30 years old gained 10 more years
Stopping smoking has many benefits, just a few of them include: 2,4,7
Improves health and feeling of well-being
Reduces risk of heart attacks
Reduces risk of stroke
Reduces risk of lung cancer
Reduces risk of bladder cancer
Saves money
Helps physical fitness
Sets a good example for children
Improves health of babies and children
Enhances the sense of smell
Stops worrying about quitting
There are still benefits in quitting smoking later in life, even after an illness has been diagnosed. If a smoker has a heart attack and quits smoking after it, he/she live longer than if they hadn’t stopped4. If a smoker gets lung cancer, stopping smoking improves quality of life and prolongs survival11. However, the earlier the quitting, the greater the benefit.
Because of the great health gains possible from quitting, smoking cessation is a cost-effective treatment for preventing heart disease. A US guideline from 2000 on treating tobacco dependence noted2: “Tobacco dependence treatments are both clinically effective and cost-effective relative to other medical and disease prevention interventions.” The guideline recommended insurance plans include counselling and certain medicines for smoking cessation.
TopMedical conditions caused by smoking
Smoking causes or contributes to many medical conditions, including: 2,4,5,7,11,18
Cancers of the lung, cervix, larynx (voice box), mouth, throat, bladder, pancreas, kidneys and stomach
Heart disease, heart attacks and strokes
Lung effects including chronic lung disease (e.g. emphysema), pneumonia and worsening of asthma
Osteoporosis – this is the weakening of bones. Osteoporosis makes fractures more likely with age, and hip fractures shorten lives
Problems with sexual function
Increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease in the spouse of the smoker
Increased risk of asthma, ear problems, and infections of airways in children of smokers
Increased risk of premature delivery and small babies if smoking while pregnant
Increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS or cot death) in babies
Gum disease
Aging of skin – more wrinkles
Many other conditions, from psoriasis to hyperthyroidism
TopSmoking cessation help in the US
There are a number of places for smoking cessation help.
Free Quit Line. 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
American Lung Association
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